The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism
Once you open your wings to fly, you must fly straight like the swan. Do not flit from tree to tree like the sparrow, or many things will distract you on the way, and the journey is long. ~ Meher Baba
Jai Baba and Welcome Home!
Awakening to the Spiritual is truly a ‘homecoming’ in all respects. After all, we are all simply spiritual beings having a human experience.
Beloved Avatar Meher Baba, also known as THE AWAKENER, has given us enough guidelines about every possible aspect of life including the SPIRITUAL. For us at The Sai and Meher Center for Healing and Spiritualism, we focus on:
- Understanding His words as guidelines and its relevance in the spirit of ONENESS via the seeds of Love that He has sown for us.
- Nurturing the seeds sown by Him by applying the understanding or the knowledge in our life.
In short, it boils down to first understanding and then application.
Lets say understanding is like sight. And application is like legs for walking the path. Both aspects have to be balanced. If you don’t see the path you may go astray or fall into a ditch because you the path is not visible. If you can see the path but are not walking the path the sight or knowledge of the path is of no value. If you know and do not apply it in your then it is as good or as bad to not knowing. Hence both the aspects are equally important.
All the activities of the Centre revolve around these aspects of Baba’s words.
Below are some of the guidelines given to us by Beloved Meher Baba:
- Age after age, when the wick of Righteousness burns low, the Avatar comes yet once again to rekindle the torch of Love and Truth. Age after age, amidst the clamor of disruptions, wars, fear and chaos, rings the Avatar’s call: “COME ALL UNTO ME”
- Although, because of the veil of illusion, this Call of the Ancient One may appear as a voice in the wilderness, its echo and re-echo nevertheless pervades through time and space to rouse at first a few, and eventually millions, from their deep slumber of ignorance. And in the midst of illusion, as the Voice behind all voices, it awakens humanity to bear witness to the Manifestation of God amidst mankind. ~ Meher Baba
- The time is come. I repeat the Call, and bid all come unto me. ~ Meher Baba
THE SAI AND MEHER CENTRE FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM is the response to the Call of the Avatar.
Everyone will naturally follow different paths to respond to the Avatar’s call. It will be extremely unique, and deeply profound for each person. The manner in which each one coming to the centre responds to the call is very personal.
Spirituality means different things to different people.
There are various of Paths to lead to the same destination and goal. It is very personal and there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all”
- “Truth is One, but the approach to it is essentially individual.” ~ Meher Baba
- “I have come to sow the seed of Love in your hearts so that, in spite of all superficial diversity which your life in illusion must experience and endure, the feeling of Oneness, through Love, is brought about amongst all nations, creeds, sects, and castes of the world.”
What is spirituality?
Poise, perfect poise. Make the most of every situation. He who upsets no one is a good man. He who is upset by no one Is a God–Man.” ~ Meher Baba
Much emphasis is given to the original words of Meher Baba at the centre is because anyone who has tried to apply these words have experienced the transformation in their lives. This is because Baba said:
- “ My words will be so sacred, even they will work wonders.”
- ” I belong to no religion. Every religion belongs to Me. My own personal religion is of My being the Ancient Infinite One and the religion I teach to all is of love of God. This love can be practiced by anyone, high, low, rich, poor, and every one of every caste and creed can love God .”
- I have come to help people realise their ideals in daily life….My work and aims are intensely practical. It is not practical to emphasise the material at the cost of the spiritual. It is not practical to have spiritual ideals without putting them into practice.
- But to realise the ideal in daily life, to give beautiful and adequate form to the living spirit, to make Brotherhood a fact, not merely a theory, as at present – this is being practical in the truest sense of the word.
- “My personal religion is my being the ancient infinite one; and the religion I impart to all is love for God which is the truth of all religions.”
There is no gift greater than the gift of spiritual freedom and there is no task more important than that of helping others to attain it
~ Meher Baba
Spiritualism is born of the understanding that WE ARE ALL ONE. On this aspect Baba said
Pay heed when I say with my Divine Authority that the Oneness of Reality is so uncompromisingly unlimited and all-pervading that not only “We are One,” but even this collective term of “We” has no place in the Infinite Indivisible Oneness.
The guidelines given by the Masters are vast and self explanatory and there is no shortage of knowledge as Baba in His compassion has prepared it all for us.
In today’s world of information technology the problem is not lack of information. There is more than enough technology and information available to reach out to the world in one click or a touch screen. The problem is that the abundance of information is not creating any transformation. We don’t need more of IT (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY) we need more of TT (TRANSFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)! There is a huge gap between the two. A vast source of information and knowledge is of zero value if it is not able to transform your life and uplift it in some way or the other over a period of time.
Based on the guidelines and words given to us by the Highest of the High, here are some questions a seeker on the Spiritual Path may ask himself / herself:
- Do I get less angry now than before?
- Am I happier than before?
- Have I developed an increased tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen?
- Do I worry less?
- Am I more at peace with myself, and those around me?
- Do I feel more connected with others and nature?
- Does my mind chatter less in the background compared to what it used to before?
- Have I lost the interest in conflict with myself, others, situations and events taking place?
- Am I less self-self-centered?
- Am I as judgemental as before towards myself and others?
- Am I able to cope with my day-to-day stress in a better manner say what you were doing 6 months before?
- Am I often in a gratitude and appreciation mode?
- How quickly do I lose my patience? Is it the same, improved or worse than before?
- Do I smile more often?
- Have I reduced focusing on how stressed I am and remember how blessed I am?
The list is endless and many parameters are there to check on your progress. You have to asses for yourself. If the answers to the above are yes then, as they say, “Join the band”.
If the answers are not favourable then you have to review why it is so. Is it lack of proper understanding? Or are you not applying your knowledge correctly?
People across the globe in thousands have claimed that their lives not only changed for the better but completely turned around many times over. There are enough testimonies to support the above statement.
Our Focus
The aim of THE SAI AND MEHER CENTER FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM is to help fill this gap between information and transformation.
The main focus of the centre is to provide first the information and then how to apply this information to transform your life.
For any information to be translated to transformation, tools, techniques, environment, support groups and systems are required. The translation of information to transformation is so very subtle that very experienced teachers and guides are required to help in the process. Those who are genuinely keen to benefit from this transformation technology, tools, techniques, guidance, environment, support groups and are willing to work towards some peace in a sincere manner are welcome to THE SAI AND MEHER CENTRE FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM.
We eagerly look forward to welcoming you to the centre, its activities and your participation in them irrespective of caste, creed, race, religion, sex, or nationality.
Since the centre is a non profit and service based on Meher Baba’s motto ‘MASTERY IN SERVITUDE’, all you have to do is to spend some time and effort to learn the tools and techniques and apply them in your life. The change that you will experience will be the proof of the efficacy of applying the potent powerful messages of the Divine Masters to your life.
Ideally, after about six months of diligent and sincere efforts of understanding and implementing Meher Baba’s guidelines into your life, check with the list given above and see your own progress for yourself. The facilities of the centre provide all the support that you will need. The results are waiting for you.
What are you waiting for?
You have asked for and been given enough words — it is now time to live them ~ Avatar Meher Baba