The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

Importance of observing Silence Day ~ 10th JULY

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Meher Baba gesturing 'silence' (C) AMBPPCTThere are many Baba lovers who are confused about whether silence is to be observed on the 10th July. Some feel it is optional. Others feel it’s a ritual and comes in their way of loving Baba with a pure heart. There are also those whose job required them to talk a lot and so felt it was not necessary, for Baba would understand their inability. Many such issues were raised with Eruch over the years and Eruch would patiently, but firmly, insist that one was expected to observe silence on that day. 

Giving a brief history Eruch would say, “There were various times in the early years where Baba did
give His lovers in the world a choice of fasting on water instead of observing silence. However, toward the later years, Baba in His circular to the lovers emphasized that all His lovers should observe silence. He withdrew the option of fasting. 
No matter what the situation, one was expected to observe silence. It was His order and many of His lovers were often put in situations where they were tested. Those who truly loved Him underwent the hardships, but did not break Baba’s order. This was Baba’s order till the very end of His life. If someone accidentally speaks up – it’s okay, 
but on realizing his mistake, he should keep silence again and be more alert. Even we sometimes slip — accidentally calling out to the servant or shooing the dog. The moment you realize the slip, stop immediately. Do not utter one more word. Use gestures or write on a note pad and show to the person. All those who consider themselves Baba lovers are expected to do this.” 
Eruch’s words were very clear and yet I did not realise that the order given by Baba was for posterity also. I felt it applied only for the period He was in the physical body and only for lovers of that period. I was under the impression that silence was observed only to propagate the memory of that day – as a sign of respect. In spite of this wrong impression, which persisted in my mind for a long time, I continued to observe Silence Day every year diligently. It was easy as I was living in the Trust Office. 
All work literally comes to a standstill with everyone observing silence. This in itself served as a reminder throughout the day. If you accidentally slipped – someone was there to remind you with a gentle sign of raising the forefinger to the lips. 
My wrong impression only got cleared because of the following incident: 

IMG-20131119-WA0002At the time of the chemical factory fight, I was supposed to meet and discuss the matter with an advocate from Delhi. He was visiting Mumbai just for a day and it happened to be 10th July. I started my day wondering if I should keep silence – as the work I was doing was also important, for the factory was ruining the sacred Meherazad atmosphere. Anyway, I began my day in silence. I was supposed to 
meet the advocate at noon – so I left in the morning for the appointment. I was seated in the bus unsure if I should observe silence and whether Baba’s order was for all times and really applied to us. I quietly prayed to Baba to guide me. Suddenly, I heard someone call out my name, 
“Rustom, how are you and what are you doing these days?” I looked at the man, but failed to recognise him. 
Looking at my expression he asked, “Don’t you recognize me?” I nodded my head from side to side indicating I hadn’t. He said, “I am Salim, your school friend – almost 25 years have passed since we last met.” 
I remembered now. I had lost contact with all my school and college friends when I started living at Meherabad and now, out of the blue, I meet a friend whom I never saw for 25 years. I mistakenly took it as a sign from Baba, which I was praying for and so, I started talking with him. Later, I met the advocate and discussed the case with him. It was a fruitful meeting and I felt happy that the work was done. When I returned to Ahmednagar, I informed them that the trip was successful. Eruch, after hearing everything asked me, “Did you observe silence?’ I admitted to Eruch that I had not and explained to him why. 
With a look of disapproval Eruch said, “What you did was not good. You should have observed silence.” I persisted by saying, “I felt Baba gave me a sign that it was okay to talk – besides, we do it only in memory of His silence – isn’t it?” Eruch said to me very gently, “It was Baba’s order for all His lovers and applies even to this day. 
One can say – it was one of His few orders for posterity. In fact, there are very few orders He has left for His lovers in the world – and that too, it’s only for a day. Your friend appearing on the bus was Baba’s way of testing your resolve to obey Him. In obedience, one is often tested – which is why you should have observed silence.” 
When Eruch said this, I felt so much regret in my heart that my sad voice must have reflected it when I said to Eruch, “I wish I had known it was Baba’s order and applied to us even now. It was stupid of me not to have asked you. I don’t know why I did not think of the most obvious thing which was to ask you.” 
Eruch comforted me with his words, “Never mind, now it’s over – but be more alert in future.”

– Rustom Falati , Real Treasure, Vol.5


*IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE* from the above incident: according to Eruch – every Baba lover should observe silence no matter what as it was Baba’s order for all times and applies even now.