The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

I had never heard of Meher Baba till we moved to Pune in 2009. Gulshan aunty was our neighbor and we spoke to each other at times. I remember that I was reading the book Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss one day when aunty had come home and while talking to me she mentioned about Baba and how it changed her life.

Like all first-timers I listened to her story but it didn’t evangelize me right away. Also at the same time even though everything in my life was smooth and there was nothing to pinpoint at, I felt this emptiness inside me. Felt like something was not right but I couldn’t tell what that was.

It was 2011, my birthday when all of sudden I decided to pay a visit to Meherabad, just to experience what it feels like to be at the samadhi.

Like all, I secretly wished that Baba would make my problems go away as well. So we went and my life has changed after that. Every visit I would experience that my problems increased but I got introduced to the right people to help me, guide me to look at things differently.

Initially, I thought whenever I go to Meherabad and visit Baba I discover a new pain. But then I realised Baba doesnt work on making your troubles go away but he makes you aware of yourself and guides you to that path of self-discovery.

Through my journey with Baba, I found myself…and I thank Gulshan aunty for introducing me to him. Hope many others can be guided by the light of Meher Baba’s grace in their respective journeys of life.

~ Rutuja Rasam More



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