The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

How I Met Meher Baba by MG

Notes, How I Met Baba | 0 comments

I first heard about Meher Baba from my dear friend Gulshan. When I visited her one day, she showed me a little picture of Baba holding a sheep in his arms and told me that she felt that she was the sheep that Baba was holding. Then she gave me a copy of ‘Sounds of Silence’.

“Read it,” she said, “and you’ll know more about Baba.”

To be honest, I took the book to humor her. Back home I put it aside, meaning to get to it at some point, and got busy with my work and worries. And yet, I couldn’t resist wanting to read the book. I had other concerns in my life — day to day troubles and worries. But somehow, my gaze would often land on the book, and I couldn’t resist the urge to read it.

So finally, I picked it up and began reading.

As Nan aunty’s story unfolded within the pages of the book, something truly amazing was happening to me. I’d been having a bunch of questions about all kinds of stuff in my head for a while now. And I noticed that among the words of the story, there were words and phrases that contained the answers that I’d been looking for!

I was surprised, and ultimately moved to tears — not just by the story I was reading, but also because of the words of Meher Baba.

Naturally, I googled the name, and discovered a wealth of information. I began reading those words.

When I returned the book to Gulshan, I shared my experience with her. She, being the jolly person that she is, decided that it would be even better for me to go visit Baba’s Samadhi in Meherabad. A week or so later, I found myself looking at the Samadhi, mesmerised.

Suddenly, the summer heat vanished. A soft breeze began to blow and I sat down in front of the Samadhi, looking at Baba’s face painted in the mural above it. I was drawn to His eyes and as I stared I sensed something powerful happening inside of me.

You see, life had made me a very angry person. Maybe most of that anger was justified as well. But in that instance, sitting in front of Baba’s Samadhi, I felt all of that anger draining out of me. It was the most strangest feeling, and I simply couldn’t avoid it or run away from it. The slightly cool breeze and the silence around the Samadhi and the peace I found in those moments moved me to the core. It was as if somoene pulled a plug and all of that anger went circling down the drain. What remained was a core of me that was the original me, the happy me.

That day, for the first time in amy life, I bought a picture of a Baba and took it with me to put upon my altar at home.

Since then, I’ve read bits and pieces about Baba’s life across the internet, and have found even more wisdom and guidance in His words. Sometimes when I find myself feeling sad, or upset, or worried, I turn towards that picture and tell Baba that I am giving him my problems so he could sort them out. And magically, I find that I stumble upon the answers, or that the issue melts away.

But above all else, Baba’s words have guided me through thick and thin, and I find myself feeling light and happy whenever I think of Him.

May you also feel the same way too!

Jai Baba.

If you would like to share your experiences and stories about how you met Meher Baba, and even any other experiences that you’ve had with Baba, just write to us using the form below. If you prefer, your name will be kept anonymous – only the initials can be used. Just let us know. Thanks for sharing! ?

My 'How I Met Baba' Story...

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