The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

Why suffer when Bach Flower Remedies can help?

Notes, Event, Awareness Camp | 0 comments


THE SAI AND MEHER CENTER FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM offers a basic course of Bach Flower Remedies to share it’s Essentials and Practice with the Baba community and friends.

Whether you have physical, mental, emotinal or spiritual health issues, or are simply curious to learn more about Bach Flower Remedies, this workshop is an opportunity to experience a uniquely powerful and direct approach to mental peace and happiness.

Do you hate to go to work on Monday morning?

Do you have BP (blood pressure), diabetes, spondylitis, back pain, joint pains or sleep issues?

Do you have fear of anything – fear of dogs/ snake/ accidents/ illness/ dampness/ cold/ death/ of cancer, of any person or ghost/ fear of examination/ fear of poverty/ fear of losing friends/ afraid of walking in the dark/ fear of public speaking etc?

Are you sensitive and feel hurt / offended / rejected easily?

Do you always think of the past or the future?

Do you have complete lack of self-confidence?

Do you distrust your own judgment and doubt your own abilities?

Do you repeat the same mistakes again & again; do not learn from past experiences? 

This list of worries, fears and insecurities mentioned above is inexhaustible and the benefits and application of Bach Flower Remedies to life are countless.

If you have any of the above issues, then this Bach Flower Remedies workshop is for you.

To learn and understand more about Essentials, Practice and its innumerable applications to life we invite you to attend  the following:-

Bach Flower Remedies Basic Workshop ~ 4th December 2016


1954_mzadBach Flower Remedies is a very innovative method of healing developed by Dr. Bach. This therapy espouses that the dew from the petals of different flowers retains the healing properties of that flower. When you convert those dewdrops into medicine, you too can access this healing power from these rare flowers.

The extremely potent and naturally safe remedies gently cleanse, heal and help regain your vigour of mind, body and soul.

Dr. Gulshan’s vast medical experience comes into play as these healing pills go to work on your body, cleansing it of disease mentally physically and spiritually. It helps strengthen your strengths and weaken your weaknesses.

According to Dr. Bach, illness is a result of a conflict between the soul purpose and the person’s actions and outlook. This internal ‘war’ results in negative moods, blocks to the energy, and a general lack of harmony, which in turn leads to diseases. He believed that when the early morning sunlight passed through the dewdrops on the flower petals, it transferred the healing power of the flower into the water.

A detailed consultation with the trained Bach flower therapist will help determine which combination of flower remedies are suitable for you. With her wise guidance through the entire process, you will certainly find the path to good health — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Timings: 9.30 am to 1 pm


05 jpgWorkshop Location:

Dr. Gulshan Thukral.

A5. Second floor. Eastern Court. 
B.T. Kawde Road. Ghorpadi. Pune-411001
For further details of the workshop or to register for the same contact @ 9890024732 via whatsapp or sms.


We invite you to offer a voluntary contribution towards supporting this endeavour.


If, instead of seeing fault in others, we look within ourselves, we are loving God ~ Meher Baba