The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

We at The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism, as Sai Baba and Meher Baba Devotees, have had the utmost pleasure to accompany several seekers on their way to Sai Baba’s Samadhi at Shirdi and Avatar Meher Baba’s Samadhi at Meherabad where they could bask themselves in the glory of their presence.
However, not many of us are blessed to be able to make this pilgrimage due to various reasons – circumstantial, financial, and so on. Through Baba’s many blessings, the centre offers help to a few such seekers to achieve their goal of visiting Shirdi and Meher Baba’s Samadhi in Meherabad.
The arrangements are simple.

  • Depending on the number of people wishing to visit Meherabad, we can book a vehicle, driver + volunteers that can take them there. The centre sponsors the expenses for the travel of underprivileged freshers only.
  • Those who can afford are expected to pay for actual expenses. You can enjoy the energies of the Samadhi, spend some time at the Ashram and return by late afternoon /evening.
  • The lunch and the travel are 100% sponsored for the underprivileged.
  • Due to the long distance to Shirdi, all three meals i.e. breakfast lunch and dinner are provided along with the snacks and tea. For Meherabad only lunch is provided.
  • Each trip to Shirdi, using a 32 seater bus costs approximately between Rs. 34,000/- to Rs. 37,000/-.
  • Meherabad, being closer to Pune, costs between Rs. 18,000/- and Rs. 22,000/-. 
  • During Summer months, we can arrange for AC buses, which will cost Rs. 5,000/- more.
  • For larger groups, we can arrange a 50 seater bus. However, the costs will be higher than that of a 32 seater bus. More buses can be arranged depending on the size of the group.
  • You can request a single pick-up point at a convenient location, reasonably within Pune. If the pick-up point is outside of Pune, then the costs will reflect the extra distance of travel.
  • If you are a group of people hailing from an area surrounding Pune, or the nearby villages, we can make plans accordingly.
  • Typically, there is one trip to Shirdi, and one trip to Meherabad every month. 
  • You can partly or fully sponsor for the trips. You can also pay directly to the bus operator or the caterers.
  • Sometimes, it may not be possible for any of us from the Centre to accompany the group of visitors. It is then, that we would really require assistance/volunteers.
  • Every trip would ideally require at least 2 volunteers to accompany the group.
  • The group would be made up of diverse people from different and social and economic backgrounds, young and old, and the volunteers should be able to take them to the Samadhi and around the various places of spiritual interest in Shirdi and Meherabad. 
  • Usually, we take people from various organisations, such as the underprivileged, deaf and dumb, mentally retarded, handicapped, senior citizens, orphans, blind, and all those who are challenged in some way or the other.
  • We also sponsor the financially challenged section of the society like maids, drivers and watchmen etc.  in a 17, 32, 45 or a 50 – seater bus.

While it is mandatory for the caretakers of the concerned organisations to accompany them, we would also need a minimum of 2 volunteers from our end to take extra care of their special needs. 
Apart from volunteers, any and all donations for supporting this venture are very welcome.

Do Read: Guildelines to make your Volunteering experience Joyful

As mentioned before, this is in service for those who are often unable to visit Shirdi / Meherabad due to financial constraints. Also, the costs are borne by The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism. Should you wish to help/support us financially in this venture; we would truly appreciate it as it would go a long way in helping us to reach out and serve a larger population. 

Further, we would also greatly appreciate help in the form of introductions. An introduction to various Social Service Organizations and NGOs and Bhajan Mandalis, would help pave the way for us in reaching out to them for help and support (both ways), in order to help further the Mission and Goals of The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism. 

If you wish to volunteer / If you need any further information, please do get in touch with Dr. Gulshan Thukral via SMS or WhatsApp @ 9890024732 and Email: gulshanthukral [at] gmail [dot] com

Your Support Makes a Difference ♥️ Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai

By the Grace of Sai Baba and Avatar Meher Baba, as of the 31st of March 2023, the Center, via this project, has taken more than 4896 Pilgrims to visit Meherabad and Shirdi.

Planning a Visit to Avatar Meher Baba’s Samadhi

Here are some Dos and Donts that you will need to know while visiting Avatar Meher Baba’s Samadhi:

Avatar Meher Baba's Samadhi timings:

  • Open daily 6:00 am – 8:00 pm
  • Cleaning 6:00 am;
  • Arti 7:00 am & 7:0 pm
  • Open for sitting inside 8:30 am – 6:30 pm

While visiting the Samadhi, please bear in mind:

  1. You can sit in the Samadhi (a total of six people, and only on the mats provided on the two sides of the Samadhi).
  2. Please be quiet in and around the Samadhi.
  3. Mobile phones should be switched off or on silent mode.
  4. Wait in the queue for your turn to take darshan. Please don't stand in front of the Samadhi door.
  5. When in the Samadhi, please do not touch or lean on the walls.
  6. Please do not step on the threshold while going in and out of the Samadhi.
  7. Do not lift up the chaddar to touch the marble of the Samadhi.
  8. Please do not leave anything on the Samadhi.
  9. When sitting in the Samadhi, please do not sit for more than 20 minutes and do not lean on the walls.
  10. Please avoid wearing off-shoulder, strappy, deep neck, backless, transparent and revealing clothes and shorts (even men) to the Samadhi.
  11. Please leave your hand bags out before entering the Samadhi.
  12. Do not feed any animals at the Samadhi (the squirrel and dogs).
  13. No photography allowed inside the Samadhi.
  14. Throw trash only in the dustbins provided and do not spit in the Meherabad area.

Thank You! Jai Baba!