The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

Why Jesus Was Not Married

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f63e450b-cba5-49de-8ec3-a535acbf0f50Every Avatar adapts a particular aspect of his time. He adapts and embodies his mode of working according to the attitude of the people.

94a71153-3951-4cd5-bfc0-08f69c8bf701The outstanding weakness that marked the attitudes of the people in the time of Jesus was pomp, cruelty, and pride; and to do away with that and set an example, he based his working or more of life on simplicity, humility, and suffering. And so there was no necessity for him to marry.

5b0c1efc-0745-417f-82fd-dae85359a039In the time of Muhammad, lust dominated in the minds of men, so much so that nearly every man used to have sex with several women. Muhammad took note of this, made it lawful for every follower of his to have only a certain number of wives, and he married seven. Had he like Jesus, not married, then it would have been deeded essential to make it lawful for his followers to remain unmarried, but nobody in that case would have followed him. It would have been worse than useless to come to nil from numerous, and so he fixed the number to seven from scores.

ca70df19-3024-4eb1-9f89-81ebc9abf231The people were too much steeped in materialism in the age of Buddha. Therefore, by stressing the nothingness of Maya, he set an example of true renunciation, and left his wife and children. He founded his system on renunciation and sannyas [renunciation of desire].

86939e80-ceb8-4a9d-84bb-77e3c6342a2aDry atmosphere marked the age of Krishna. The predominating elements there were internal strife, jealousy and greed. So he preached and founded his teachings on the gospel of love and gaiety, so that people began learning lessons in them and developing love.

cd001fcd-33f0-49bb-9f46-828fe4b96367The hopelessness of the situation in Zoroaster’s time, when people progressed neither materially nor spiritually, made his base his system so as to make them live the life of the world, yet be spiritually inclined in search of God and Truth. He enacted certain laws and made it incumbent on his followers not to marry more than one woman and not to regard any other with a lustful eye. He founded his religion on the tenets of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.

In reality, all these Avatars were the manifestations of the same One Divinity, devoid of desires and above lust, greed, and anger.


Meher Baba attaches a spiritual energy to his words. His words have the power to awaken and transform.



Through ages of darkness and suffering mankind awaits me and my Truth. I and the Truth which I bring are inseparable, one from the other ~ Meher Baba