The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism


Meher Baba Messages | 0 comments

“What does „remembering Baba‟ mean? What does one mean when one says, „he or she is remembering Baba?‟” Eruch asked this question in the Mandali Hall once.

photogrid_1477147715061Lots of answers popped into my head and I am sure it must have happened to others too, but we kept quiet, sensing that Eruch was about to say something profound. After a pause, Eruch broke the silence in the hall by saying,

Remembrance is different from repeating His name mechanically.

Taking His name by repeating it mechanically is not enough, although it is a good beginning for it will eventually lead you to remembrance. So what is remembrance and how is it different from repeating His name?” 
Eruch was silent, allowing us to grasp the difference – to digest what he was saying. Eruch proceeded,

“Remembrance is from the heart. In remembrance, the heart seeks the Beloved‟s pleasure every moment and so it is constantly thinking of the Beloved, constantly wanting to please the Beloved. One has no thought of oneself – only the Beloved‟s pleasure matters and in this manner, one forgets oneself completely and drowns in the thoughts of the Beloved.” 
Eruch continued, “How can we achieve that state of heart? Often pilgrims ask me this question in exasperation, for they know not what 
to do. Well, the way to go about it is that one should, in their day to day existence, put into practice all those things that Baba has asked 
us to do – remembering that it would please Him if we did so.

photogrid_1477152468165“For example, when someone shouts at you, abuses you, or tries to humiliate you in any way, we react immediately and retaliate. Why is 
that? It is because we are so caught up in the falseness of the ego that we fail to remember our Beloved‟s pleasure at that moment. For the one who is remembering his Beloved every moment and wanting to keep His pleasure at all times, would handle the situation with 
equipoise, undergoing humiliation and effacement of the ego. 
“Why? Because that is his Beloved‟s pleasure. He is aware that it would please his Beloved if he maintains poise in all situations and 
circumstances in his life. This awareness of his Beloved‟s pleasure is the driving force of his life and he fashions his life keeping his 
Beloved‟s pleasure at all times. Such a one finally achieves success in getting rid of the false ego – by constantly remembering the 
Beloved‟s pleasure – and finally merges in the Beloved. This is what one should do if one wants the heart to drown in Him.” 
“Once the heart drowns in His remembrance completely all it sees is the glory and mercy of the Lord in every situation. In the most 
adverse situation, it sees the hand of the Beloved and the situation becomes joyful. Even in intense suffering he feels happy. Why? 
Because he knows that the Lord gives it only to those who are close to His heart. He gets joy from the thought that he is close to the Lord 
and that the Lord has found him worthy of gifting him with this suffering. This very thought fills his heart and his being with joy and he does not notice the suffering. All he experiences is his Lord‟s presence, His mercy and the joy of it. He loses himself in this 
completely.” Eruch concluded. 
“We should all strive towards such a state of heart. So when adverse situations and suffering becomes intense, try to console your mind 
with remembrance. Remember in that moment that it‟s a gift He gives to His close ones. Remember that it is a wakeup call, to awaken
you from this illusory suffering – to awaken you from your dream. 
Remember all this with feeling. Create this feeling in your heart during your moments of crises and then you too will begin to 
experience joy and experience His presence also in every situation – even in crises and intense sufferings. Then you will begin to perceive that everything is Him – that there is nothing besides Him. This is 
true remembrance where the heart is completely drowned in Him.”

– Rustom Falati, Real Treasure, Vol. 5


“Think of me more and more,and all your worries will disappear into the nothing they really are” ~ Meher Baba