The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

Remembering Baba

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 While sitting in remembrance, concentrate on me. Keep my image before your eyes. If you do this, I will see to the rest ~ Meher Baba

f63e450b-cba5-49de-8ec3-a535acbf0f50Meditation creates peace, not love. Thinking brings about love when done continually and deeply. In meditation, you try to stop thinking. The stoppage gives peace. But to love, you must think of the Beloved! If your mind becomes still, your Beloved does not exist anymore. Then how can there be love where there is no Beloved?

This is a very important point, this differentiation. When you meditate, you try to forget everything, even yourself. In loving, you forget everything and self, but you remember the Beloved! In real and perfect meditation, which is rare, you forget your body, yourself and everything else. In loving you also forget self, body and everything, but you remember the Beloved!

~ Meher Baba , online Lord Meher, p.2151

 “The remedy for all ills is to remember Me constantly and wholeheartedly ~ Meher Baba

Become God, live God’s life and make  others God unto yourself. To be worthy of the Divine Gift of His love, let your thoughts, words and deeds be controlled by the constant remembrance of God. – Meher Baba

 “I say with my divine authority to each and all that whoever takes my name at time of breathing his last comes to me. So do not forget to remember me in your last moments.

“Unless you start remembering me from now on, it will be difficult to remember me when your end approaches. You should start practicing from now on.

“Even if you take my name only once every day, you will not forget to remember me in your dying moments ~ Meher Baba   

1958, Aw 21:2 p41

“I want every lover of mine to repeat my name with every breath. The repetition should be continuous and such that even in sound sleep it should continue like your breathing. Then there is some possibility of experiencing a glimpse of me. Never worry about thoughts while repeating my name. Do not check them, because when you repeat my name, the thoughts will not create binding for you—good or bad.

Baba repeated the simile of one’s mind being inside a mosquito net and the mosquitoes (thoughts) buzzing outside. Then he stated:

In the same way, let thoughts ‘buzz’ in the mind and be within Baba’s ‘net’ of nam-jap. Repeat my name so continuously that if and when you lose consciousness of your body, the repetition will be there because I then become you. You lose yourself completely in me. If you cannot do that, just a moment before dying take my name. Even then you will come to me. But how will you remember at the last moment unless you start remembering from now on! ~ Meher Baba


Do not worry about anything, keep thinking of Me constantly. I am the only One that exists, the only One that matters ~ Meher Baba