The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

Quiz on New Life ~ 16 October 1949

Meher Baba Messages | 0 comments

f63e450b-cba5-49de-8ec3-a535acbf0f50Q : What is the new life?
Answer : Absolute and perfect renunciation.

Q : Renunciation of what?
Answer: Of everything – aims, hopes, help and life itself ~ MEHER BABA  

Q : Name the persons who were to be the Arrangementwallas during the New life period as per Baba’s instructions?

Answer – Sarosh, Nariman, Meherjee, Ramjoo and Jal Kerawalla, with Savak Damania 

Story of the Arrangementwalas — they were five men appointed by Baba to see primarily to the practical arrangements which had been made for those financially dependent upon Baba. 

However, later Baba kept issuing instructions for other work, which they carried out faithfully also. The committee consisted of Sarosh, Nariman, Meherjee, Ramjoo and Jal Kerawalla, with Savak Damania serving as an assistant ~ LM 276516 ?

Q: Which was the15 minutes important prayer during Baba’s New Life in Sarnath?

Answer: “GOD, give me strength to follow the conditions 100%. GOD, help me speak the truth and not to tell a lie under any circumstances. GOD, help me to control anger, and to keep away from lusty and greedy desires. GOD, help me to be just, fair, honest and kind towards my companions and towards those who come into contact with me.” ~  By MEHER BABA & his companions


Those who come with me should consider themselves already dead. Just as the a corpse has no material connections or concerns With anyone or anything and asked no questions and needs no provisions, even so, those accompanying me will have to be with me as corpses ~ Meher Baba

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