The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism


Baba_EasePay heed when I say with my Divine Authority, that the Oneness of Reality is so uncompromisingly Unlimited and All-pervading that not only “We are one,” but even this collective term of “we” has no place in the Infinite Indivisible Oneness.

~ Meher Baba, Path Of Love, p.16

Be brave. Be happy. I and You all are One, and the Infinite that eternally belongs to Me will one day belong to every individual. ” ~ Meher Baba   

The Avatar is always one and the same, because god is always one and the same, the eternal, Indivisible, infinite one, who manifests himself in the form of man as the Avatar, Messiah, Prophet, the Ancient One.”- Avatar Meher Baba.

“The way of Oneness is the way to happiness; the way to manyness is the way to worry. I am the One who has no second, so I am eternally happy. You are separate from your Self, so you always worry. To you, what you see is absolutely real; to me, it is absolutely false.” ~ Meher Baba

” Real happiness lives in Oneness and not in duality.” ~ Meher Baba

“All of life is one and all divisions are imaginary.” – Avatar Meher Baba.

“We are all one and irritations are only surface ones-they cannot affect the love we have for each other deep down.”

– Avatar Meher Baba.

“There is nothing but God. He is the only Reality, and we all are one in the indivisible Oneness of this absolute Reality. When the One who has realized God says, “I am God. You are God, and we are all one,” and also awakens this feeling of Oneness in his illusion-bound selves, then the question of the lowly and the great, the poor and the rich, the humble and the modest, the good and the bad, simply vanishes. It is his false awareness of duality that misleads man into making illusory distinctions and filing them into separate categories.” ~ Meher Baba

” Oneness leads to happiness.”

” The Avatar is always one and the same, because God is always One and the same, eternal, indivisible, infinite, one who manifests Himself in the form of man as the Avatar; the Highest of the High.”


Kabir said:
‘One God is the Avatar;

One God is the Soul of every being;
One God creates all;
And one God is everything.’