The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

IMG-20150503-WA0001Masts are God-intoxicated souls. The glimpses of divinity that they get are accompanied by a joy that breaks through any type of sordid composure. 

One state of unbalanced exaltation is replaced by another state of unbalanced exaltation. The divine intoxication of the elixir of the liberating love of God admits of different degrees.

The mast, with a feeling of uncontrollable happiness, plies through the unchartered planes, which open themselves to him, until, finally, he is drowned in the unlimited bliss of an ultimate merging in the Divine Beloved.

Only in the end is his lost balance finally reestablished, for not until all obstructive factors in the journey are successfully overcome can the lost balance of consciousness be restored. 

In spite of the fact that many masts lose their balance while traversing the path of the inner life, they are often capable of rendering effective service to other aspirants less advanced than themselves. Masts are completely oblivious of worldly considerations and values; but they are very sensitive to the spiritual needs of those who come in touch with them. 

Masts, because they are consciously stationed on the higher planes, can give to aspirants just that type of occult help that is necessary. Some masts get stuck on the inner planes.

They are overpowered by the on flow of grace and love, and get into a state of divine stupor. They are entirely absorbed in the “beautific 
vision”. Some masts are completely stupefied by the psychic somersault, precipitated by an entry into a new plane of consciousness, and cannot find their bearings in the midst of their new environment, new duties, and new powers. Some masts find their insurgent powers uncontrollable, and are faced by new and insurmountable temptations. They can make no further advancement through their own unaided efforts, and have to avoid the possibility of a precipitous fall through the indiscriminate use of occult powers. In short, in spite of having attained a high spiritual status, many masts on the inner planes need real guidance and help from a Perfect Master.

IMG-20150528-WA0001” If God Were Not There There Would Be No Masts.”…
Masts are those who become permanently unconscious in part or whole of their physical bodies, actions and surroundings, due to their absorption in their intense love and longing for God. My love for the masts is similar in many ways to that shown by a mother who continues to look lovingly after her children regardless of their behavior. To make her child clean a mother does not even mind soiling her hands with the child’s excrement.
“I am the mother of the masts. If God were not there, there would be no masts. They also are like parts of my body. Some are like my right and some are like my left limbs and fingers. Some are nose, ears and eyes for me. I am helpful to them and they are helpful to me. The masts alone know how they love me and I alone know how I love them. I work for the masts, and knowingly or unknowingly they work for me. “Discovering and collecting the mad had been child’s play compared to the task the mandali were now assigned: to trace, contact and induce the masts to come into the Mast Ashrams.
Although Baba had started contacting the God-mad in 1915, his regular mast trips did not start until 1938. They remain to this day (1957) one of the most active external manifestations of his internal work. A splendid account of seventy-five thousand miles of Baba’s mast trips in which he contacted twenty thousand masts, as well as a description of Baba’s Mad and Mast Ashram activities, has been. given by one of the resident mandali, Dr. William Donkin, in his unique work, The Wayfarers (1948, Meher Publications).