The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

THE SAI AND MEHER CENTRE FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM is happy to conduct a Health Camp by medical professionals for residents of Arangaon,  Meherabad and surrounding villages.

Date: Sunday 20 March 2022

Time: 10:30 am to 4 pm

Participants will be given information via a slide show that will include photographs and talks on general health measures, early detection of oral, breast and gynecological cancers, the hazards of smoking and tobacco. This information will be given by a qualified social worker.

On arrival, every participant will go through a registration process, where height, weight, and medical history will be recorded. After registering, these will be the different examinations/checkups that will be conducted for every participant:

  • General checkup, weight, anemia, BP, blood sugar, oral cavity and teeth, respiratory and abdominal examination, common skin lesions
  • Gynecological examination
  • Early detection of oral, breast and cervical cancers
  • Eye checkup
  • Dental checkup

The main purpose of this medical camp is to spread awareness on various health issues, and detect these issues before they become serious. If necessary, the participants may be requested to report to the local hospitals in Ahmednagar and Pune for treatment and follow up, through various government health schemes and charitable institutions.

The importance of early detection cannot be emphasized enough. Often, many diseases including cancer, are detected at a late stage, thereby compromising the treatment and outcome, all because of lack of awareness. A basic health card could be printed, using which the patient will report for treatment and followup.

Not by seeking individual happiness or safety, but by again and again offering one’s life in the service of others is it possible to rise to the unsurpassed completeness of realised truth.

The detection and treatment of various diseases that can be covered in this camp will depend heavily on the number of volunteer specialist doctors that are available. Therefore, we invite volunteers to give wholeheartedly of their valuable time and expertise to conduct and facilitate the activities through the day.

Please Note:

All the volunteers for this program will not be paid any honorarium.

? Transportation for the volunteers from Pune will be arranged by the organisers.

? Refreshments and snacks are available for all staff, patients and participants.

This camp is being organized as a charitable endeavor, towards the alleviation of pain and suffering for the underprivileged villagers. It will be an opportunity to “give” without the expectation of financial gain, just for one day. ??

Such health camps are extremely beneficial to the local population, who are unable to avail of health care, either due to lack of awareness, unavailability of accessible and affordable health services, transportation, money, etc. Your guidance and help will greatly affect the overall health and well being of these sections of society who often suffer due to lack of resources, and lack of awareness. Your generosity and kindness will be a boon for all the participants of this medical camp.

? For More information please contact Dr. Gulshan Thukral at 9890024732

Thanks to all of our sponsors and volunteers, this event was a great success! Here are some of the pictures…

Here’s a brief video outlining the details of this awesome venture!

Jai Baba! ???