The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism

De-Stress and Heal your Body, Mind, and Soul with BACH FLOWER REMEDIES

Life is full of stress. It is well known that in the Corporate Sector and in the IT Sector, everyone struggles with work pressures, deadlines, and the inevitable rat race to achieve more and more!

While the workplace challenges never end, it becomes harder still to strike a balance between your work and your home.

Living life in today’s fast-paced world takes a toll and affects us far more than we realise. Everything builds upon itself,  accumulating, and playing havoc with our mind and emotions.

These stresses of the mind eventually transform into dis-eases of the body. You end up consuming medicines made with chemicals that have a long list of drastic side-effects. You begin to wonder if the cure is worse than the disease.

Bach Flower Remedies are a natural, safe, and gentle way to heal your body, relax your mind, and bring your soul back into alignment with your core energy. Bach flower remedies cleanse and heal you, and help you regain your vigour – Emotions, Body, Mind, and Soul.

With Bach Flower Remedies, You Can Avail Freedom From:

Bach Flower Remedies


BP (Blood pressure), Diabetes, Spondylitis, Back pain, Joint pains, Sleeplessness, Heart issues, Lung issues, Asthma, Respiratory issues, Skin issues, Thyroid, Hormonal Changes, Menopause issues, Cancer, Obesity & Weight Issues, Eating Disorders, Allergies, Headache, Stomachache, Bloated Stomach, Acidity, Gastric Ulcers, etc.,

Fears, Anxiety, Depression, Fear of Public Speaking, Agoraphobia, Examination Fear, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence, Insecurities, Grieving over the loss of a loved one, Difficulty Adjusting to Life Changes, Restlessness, Psychosomatic issues, etc.,

There is an unending list of physical and psychological issues that can be addressed & treated with the help of Bach Flower Remedies. If you need any clarification regarding any specific disease/disorder that hasn’t been mentioned here, just reach out and ask. 


What is blocking your success, happiness, abundance, peace, and prosperity?

Essentially, the list of dis-eases that can be addressed via Bach Flower Remedies can go on and on. That just shows you how far-reaching and effective these remedies can be!

What’s more, the Bach Flower Remedies are so gentle that they can also be used to heal plants and animals as well! 

Dr. Gulshan

Learn the benefits and applications of BFR (Bach Flower Remedies) for these above-mentioned issues and many more from Dr. Mrs. Gulshan Thukral.

FlowersDr. Gulshan is an MDS I in Maxillofacial Surgery from Nair Hospital, Mumbai.

Apart from her profession as a surgeon, she also has 35 years of experience in teaching and practicing many healing modalities, including Bach Flower Remedies.

It is with this multi-faceted experience as a base that Dr. Gulshan has created these sessions, specifically for those in the IT and Corporate Sector, and taking into mind the needs of the working professionals of today’s world.

More about Dr. Gulshan

Workshop Information

This workshop is divided into 4 parts, with enough time in between each session. This is specifically designed so as to allow you to absorb, practice, and develop the necessary skills before you advance to the next level.

Each session is approximately 90 mins long, and Dr. Gulshan will follow up with you regarding the exercises and practice via WhatsApp.

Through these sessions, Dr. Gulshan will empower your learning experience with a variety of Tools for Transformation that will help you on your life path. Simple and practical, these tools are also powerfully effective. Armed with these, you can be sure to stay strong in the face of life’s numerous challenges!

A brief overview of each session is as follows:

Part 1: The Basic Overview

An introduction to Bach Flower Remedies, and the various remedies that you can use.

Part 2: The Mindset Reset

The remedies work better with a positive and healthy mindset. Learn the tools that show you how you can multiply the effects of your remedies by fostering a positive and healthy frame of mind.

Part 3: The Selection & The Application

In this session, you will learn the various criteria for selecting the remedies that are appropriate for the situations you are dealing with, along with the various practical applications of Bach Flower Remedies. 

Part 4: Expedite results with Affirmations

In this session, you will learn the various affirmations for expediting and boosting the results. 

To Register For the Workshop:

Please send the following details via WhatsApp in a single message:

  • Name:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Email Address:
  • Phone Number:
  • Location:
  • Nature of Your Work:
  • How/Where you found out about this Workshop:
  • Date of Workshop

Registration is Mandatory!

Once you register, you will be sent all the necessary information (webinar join codes/links, etc.) and you will be added to the Workshop WhatsApp Group.

Based in the USA/Canada/EU/UK?

Don’t worry! Dr. Gulshan will conduct sessions to fit your time zones! Just send her a quick message, and we can figure out the rest!

Please note:

  • The session will begin, sharp, at the pre-decided time
  • You are requested to start logging in from at least 15 mins earlier since we stop adding participants once we reach the maximum allowed number of participants
  • You may or may not be able to log in after the pre-decided time
  • Once the presentation begins, it will be difficult to access the joining in window
  • Those who miss out on logging in will be accommodated in the next batch as and when it happens
Normally, there is an energy exchange of ₹. 1500/- on behalf of THE SAI AND MEHER CENTER FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM. 

For a Limited Time, Dr. Gulshan is making this course available FREE OF COST so that students may access these methods to cope with the current stressful situations in the world without any additional financial burden or stress.

If you feel called to do so, you can make a donation to THE SAI AND MEHER CENTER FOR HEALING AND SPIRITUALISM.

We appreciate and accept your donations with gratitude. ??

The bank account information is given below.

Please take a screenshot of your payment, and send it via WhatsApp to 9890024732 so that we are aware of the fact. ??

? [Note: Dr. Gulshan is based in India, so international students will have to add the necessary country code before her number.]

Bank information:

  • Bank: Axis Bank
  • Account Name: The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism
  • Account Type: Current
  • Account Number: 918020031497752
  • IFCS Code: UTIB0000073
  • Branch: BT Kawde Road, Pune 411001
  • Country: India
To know more about Dr. Gulshan’s work and other WORKSHOPS conducted by her, please visit :
All the disorders of the world are due to the mind. He who conquers it conquers everything and is a real hero.
~ Meher Baba