The Sai and Meher Centre for Healing and Spiritualism


Beloved Avatar Meher Baba’s 109th Birthday

is being celebrated at

Magnus Caverns Resort, Wai Panchgani
Date: Sat 25th of Feb 2023.
Time: 4.30 to 8 pm

Meher Baba Birthday Celebrations

Transport services from Pune to Wai have been arranged. Same day Return.

Those who wish to come to the Retreat only for Baba’s Birthday celebrations on Sat 25th Feb can avail of these transport services.

The venue is very beautiful. Devotees may want to come in the morning and enjoy the serenity of the lake and the mountains.
Boat rides are also available.

The organisers are taking great pains to make it a memorable event for one and all. So please do come with your friends and families.

Lunch, tea and snacks are available a la carte, individually, at the restaurant near the lake.

Magnus Caverns Resort
? 093091 52539


For further details and booking contact Violet @ 9820511318


Love can attain what the intellect cannot fathom.

~ Meher Baba